
Ex-Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan is resolved to return DKI Ja…


023285100_1718799507-WhatsApp_Image_2024-06-19_at_16.29.37.jpegnAccording to him, transparency is one of the principles of election administration . Therefore, KPU must design to actualize this principle . "Previously, Sirekap was designed to publish photos of the C Result form. Hence, we are obliged to publicize the voting results from the polling station level," he explained

KPU RI Chairman Hasyim Asy’ari, Secretary General Bernad Dermawan Sutrisno, and members Idham Holik and Yulianto Sudrajat. Representatives from the KPU of 38 provinces throughout Indonesia, as well as officials from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Bawaslu, DKPP, and other related agencies, were also in attendance.

nHowever, Doli still allowed KPU to prepare the Sirekap design for the 2024 Regional Elections . But whether it will be implemented or not, Commission II will give its opinion. Given the commotion caused during the 2024 General Elections due to Sirekap

Because the General and Regional Elections models differ, a new design is being developed. If you liked this write-up and you would certainly such as to get more info regarding kaesang pilkada jawa tengah (https://www.merdeka.com/politik/lsi-sebut-kaesang-tertinggi-di-pilkada-jateng-pkb-tetap-usung-gus-yusuf-158170-mvk.html) kindly browse through the web page. "Sirekap is intended to be used for the 2024 Regional Elections as it was initially used in the 2020 Regional Elections. We are now preparing its design and other details," said Hasyim at the DPR RI, as quoted on Thursday (May 16, 2024)

He urged KPU not to hastily announce that Sirekap will be reused for the 2024 Regional Elections. "We'll talk about Sirekap later; it's a different PKPU. I'm not clear on Sirekap yet, so let's not say it will be used now," said Doli

According to Anies, besides support from the National Awakening Party (Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa) and PKS, there will be other political parties (parpol) that will also support his determination. "Praise be to God after PKB and PKS, Insyaallah there will be other parties willing to fight together to make Jakarta a developed city with happy citizens," stated Anies through his Instagram account @aniesbaswedan on Wednesday. Anies is currently in Spain. He mentioned that upon returning to the homeland, he will immediately communicate with PKS leadership to discuss further steps for upcoming Jakarta Pilkada 2024. "We've struggled together in Jakarta as well as nationally with PKS, God willing we will continue to fight together in the future," he stated.

nHasyim assured that if the Sirekap model for the 2024 Regional Elections is ready, it will be presented to the relevant commission in the DPR RI . "Once ready, we will report it in a hearing with DPR Commission II," said Hasyim

"As the winning party in Jakarta, PKS has decided to fight for its best cadre as the candidate for Governor of Jakarta. The candidate we are nominating is Mohamad Sohibul Iman, who currently serves as the Deputy Chair of the PKS Syuro Council," stated Mabruri in his statement on Sunday. Mabruri added that Sohibul Iman is a figure with adequate capacity. Sohibul Iman led PKS during the 2015-2020 period. "This means he has proven leadership in elevating PKS. He also has a long track record in the political arena," explained Mabruri.

"Because the regulations for regional elections and general elections are different. For general elections, each TPS has no more than 300 voters, while for regional elections, it can have up to 800 voters," she explained.

nHeru referred to the implementation of the 2024 General Elections . He pointed out that the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) and Legislative Election (Pileg) were held peacefully. "We should be thankful that the 2024 elections were carried out safely and peacefully. This success is due to the active participation of Jakarta residents who uphold democratic values with responsibility," said Heru

**PKS Offered Deputy Governor Position with Ridwan Kamil** PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu admitted that he received an offer for the deputy gubernatorial position to accompany Ridwan Kamil (RK) in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. The offer came from the Indonesian Forward Coalition (KIM) supporting Prabowo-Gibran in the 2024 Presidential Election. "There is that offer, which is why we are analyzing and considering what makes the most sense," stated Syaikhu during an interview at the PKS DPP office, Jakarta, on Tuesday. However, regarding who PKS will support, Syaikhu said it is not yet final. He mentioned that communication with other parties for the Jakarta Pilkada is still ongoing. "We are continuously communicating to decide who will support Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan along with other parties. Therefore, communication with other parties is not yet final," he said. Syaikhu mentioned that communication is being conducted with many parties, not just KIM. Intensive communication continues with their coalition in the 2024 Presidential Election, namely the Change Coalition.

Head of the West Java Provincial KPU, Ummi Wahyuni, stated that the simultaneous regional elections in West Java will cost around IDR 1.1 trillion. "The budget for the Pilkada in West Java is IDR 1.1 trillion," she said.

008144700_1698642017-WhatsApp_Image_2023-10-30_at_11.36.48.jpegnThe Chief of the Presidential Secretariat (Kasetpres) also sees the status change as an opportunity to improve infrastructure and the quality of life for its residents . "This is a chance to upgrade infrastructure, improve residents' quality of life, and introduce a new, livable, and sustainable image," said Heru074691100_1705848699-WhatsApp_Image_2024-01-21_at_21.49.01_755f1ee5.jpg

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