
Westy Custom Computer Display Mount


For example, when its voltage goes up and down repeatedly (between roughly 13 and 15V), Origin the battery is fully charged. So the display stows nicely, but how to keep it from swinging out into the cabin when the Westy goes around a corner? I mounted the second arm to the back of the display and slipped it on to the end of the first arm. At that point, I was due to drive back to Santa Cruz for couch surfing and bicycling with the club, so I abandoned the welding shop in L.A. When that happens, if I've forgotten how to do it, I'll try to come back here to read my notes! Read Low-tech Magazine offline. Low-tech Magazine will go deeper into it in future manuals. However, from the moment you connect an appliance (or turn on a switchable circuit), you will see the current meter of both the electric load and the solar panel go up until you hit a limit - you are then using all available solar power that the solar panel produces. 12-volt adapter. It works fine, and the Westy's ammeter shows, unexpectedly, a negligible load on the battery. You can put them between the solar panel and the solar charge controller but also between the solar charge controller and the load.

In that way, solar energy that would otherwise go to waste can charge a laptop or operate a power tool. The display's power adapter is rated at 65 watts. Together, the laptop and display power adapters are rated at 110 watts, so they would consume the house battery in about 11 hours. Rig a set of leads for my Fluke multimeter to precisely measure the current flow to the 12-volt adapters for the display and the laptop. I need to rig up a set of leads for my Fluke multimeter so I can precisely measure the current flow to each of the adapters. Measuring instruments can be digital or analog. If you add on-off switches and measuring instruments, you also want to organize these components onto some control panel, preferably all in the same place. I lost the grommet while working on the panel, and the replacement grommet pictured is a bit too small. Furthermore, they are for use in small spaces, so they are often too compact to be practical in more common household situations. If you have multiple power outlets, you can use several devices simultaneously.

You have to do what you can’t not do. Not fully on topic for what you describe in this very good how-to-guide, but anyways: for everyone that may have concerns about electromagnetic fields (EMF) as raised by Wim’s earlier comment, I can recommend the website of the German federal office for radiation protection (BfS) as a halfway neutral resource. How to modify and make low-voltage devices is too broad a topic to discuss in detail in this guide. If your solar system has a battery and charge controller, and all your devices run on the same voltage, you can also use typical 12V/24V connectors. My hope is to install solar panels on my deck roof myself (direction is perfect for southern exposure and I have an almost 200sq ft deck roof that I can use for these panels) and run the wire to my garage and charge the car directly during the daytime. Unfortunately people are convinced it’s a really bad thing, probably for similar reasons to why people are scared of flying but drive a car every day despite the latter being far more dangerous.

Current meters are a bit more complex to wire, see the illustration below. In other cases, what are electric cables adjusting an appliance to 12V/24V demands more work and knowledge. Few people in other lines of work can do the same. I painted it with the same spray paint as the panel. DC-DC converters can go behind the control panel unless you want to be able to adjust the voltage output regularly. You can embed the female connectors in a control panel or buy commercial products that you can screw onto something. However, these products are relatively expensive and not always of quality. First of all, many devices are internally running on low-voltage power. This cable is capable of carrying 2.2GW, which is around 4% of our power consumption. Also, think about the power outlets. I think one of the simplest and most straightforward ways to do threat modelling is by user persona, whereby you consider each kind of attacker in turn, making some reasonable assumptions about their level of motivation and methods.


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