
Popular Science Monthly/Volume 3/May 1873/Ocean-Cables


These devices are more difficult to operate than lightbulbs, because they are very sensitive to the applied voltage - it must be enough to overcome the junction bias, but will result in a destructive current if off by as little as 0.2V. This is because diodes are only weakly conductive up until the potential of the junction is overcome - and shortly past that point, begin conducting like crazy. Junction voltage drop is commonly in the 1.1 - 1.4V range for infrared diodes, 1.6 - 2.0V for red LEDs, 2.0 - 2.3V for yellow and orange, 2.2 - 2.8V for green, and 3.2 - 3.8V for blue, violet, white, and UV diodes. It will not conduct in the opposite direction unless a much higher breakdown voltage is applied (this figure commonly lies between 20 and 1000V, although diodes with much smaller breakdown voltages can be manufactured). Potentiometers: manually adjustable resistors; can be constructed by placing a conductive wiper across a resistive substrate. Higher-rated variants, such as FJN965 and FJC1386 (NPN and PNP, 5A) can also be found, but MOSFETs are now being used almost exclusively in power applications.

There is some minimal gate voltage needed to cause a sufficient charge separation; this threshold voltage - VGS(TH) - depends on the geometry of the transistor, and generally ranges from 1 to 2V (but may be as high as 3-4V for high power devices). Photovoltaic cells rely on a p-n junction to generate free charge carriers in response to photon excitation, and also to separate charges - so that an electromotive force is created across their terminals, forming a voltage source. Finally, photoresistors are monolithic semiconductors where a higher number of photon-induced charge carriers promotes conduction; compared to photodiodes, they are much slower, but have other favorable characteristics, such as a very broad sensitivity range. These principles are used in a number of piezoelectric devices, the most common of which are crystal oscillators - where the crystal vibrates at a resonant frequency when subjected to an external current, similar to some capacitor-inductor arrangements we will discuss later on. Panel-mount devices were once very popular in radio frequency circuits to control the frequency of heterodyne receivers - but are now largely displaced by digital frequency generation that can be controlled with mechanically simpler input devices.

Digital circuits can, with minimal interfacing, accept most types of binary inputs - and with the use of external power transistors or relays, can also switch arbitrarily large loads. Other applications use exotic, precision motors / actuators, piezoelectric transducers used to sense or generate soundwaves, pressure sensors, and so forth. There are uses where this arrangement makes sense - but switching is not one of them. When considering the behavior of real-world circuits, it is often essential to understand the actual resistance, capacitance, or inductance of signal pathways that may consist of more than one discrete component. Now that we have the basic characteristics of electronic circuits, and the common components, sorted out, it's time to see what it's good for - starting with traditional, analog circuitry. The most common variety today are electret microphones that utilize an internal, permanently charged membrane to form an interesting type of a capacitor; but even a regular speaker and some vanilla capacitors exhibit some audio sensitivity.

We are every now and then startled by the announcement that light cables are to be preferred to the present iron-clad type, and the object of this investigation has been to discover what data there are to justify any preference to one form of cable over another. These transfer data across the internet. Their primary downside is that they radiate most of their energy in the infrared range, which is not very desirable; and that they are slow to turn on and switch off, making them unsuitable for optical data signaling. No feeder equalizers are here used for feeder regulation; the uniting and tying up of the system, together with the use of the auxiliary bus effects this regulation. Wear insulated gloves and use tools with insulated handles to avoid electric shocks. The interesting property of a diode (or any other p-n junction) is that while in this mode, the device will always maintain a potential close to that threshold voltage across its terminals: this electric field is necessary to keep the junction conductive, and the diode will develop an apparent resistance needed to maintain it. PNP) counterpart. Field effect transistors with multiple "competing" gate electrodes can also be seen, and are useful in signal mixing.

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